Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Stake Camp Committee


Attention Sisters!!

 Please do not forget that the last Tuesday of each month will be a special night where we would love to have as many YW and Camp Leaders attend our stake temple night together as possible.  We know that we can achieve great miracles in the lives of our YW through girls camp. As we prayerfully attend the temple and plan for camp together, our Father in Heaven will guide us in preparing a camp experience that will most help each of his daughters to grow in testimony. 

"I promise you that, with increased attendance in the temples of our God, you shall receive increased personal revelation to bless your life."
—Ezra Taft Benson

Please join us on the following dates:

*February 26th
*March 26th
*April 30th 
*May 28th

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Please don't forget to remind your ward's stake YCLSs about the sleepover and planning meeting on Friday February 23 at Sister Priscilla Beckstead's house. It is going to be great time to plan, get ready for camp, bond as stake YCLS and CATCH THE FIRE ABOUT GIRLS CAMP!!!  

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ward Camp Packets

Below is a copy of the Leader Packets that were put together by Marieta Reid. This copy is missing the certification pages which is shown separately below. You can click on the titles below to go to links where the packet or certification records can be saved and or printed.

Provo Utah Wasatch Stake Camp Leader Packet by Becky Hawkins Katoa

And below are the Certification Records: